AUGUST  2024


August 1—Men’s Jail Ministry

August 3—Waking up with the Word

August 3 - Ladies Prayer Breakfast, 9 am

August 4—Back-to-School Breakfast, serving begins at 8:30

August 4—Cradle Roll-Pre-K Promotion

August 4—Bible Bowl Practice, after church until 2

August 4—Small Groups, check with group leader as to when & where

August 5—Elders Meeting, 7 pm, fellowship hall

August 6—Nursing Home Ministry

August 8—Men’s Jail Ministry

August 10—Waking up with the Word

August 11—Bible Bowl Practice, after church until 2

August 11—Birthday Potluck, everyone please bring food to share

August 12—Pleasanton/Jourdanton Public School begins

August 15—Men’s Jail Ministry

August 17—Waking up with the Word

August 18—Bible Bowl Practice, 4—6 pm

August 19—Elders Meeting, 7 pm, fellowship hall

August 20—Nursing Home Ministry

August 22—Men’s Jail Ministry

August 24—Waking up with the Word

August 24—Blessed Community Meal, 11:00 am—1:00 pm

August 25—Bible Bowl Practice, 4—6 pm

August 25 - Farewell Party for Nancy Seabourn (evening)

August 25—4th Sunday Night Meal, bring finger foods to share

August 29—Men’s Jail Ministry

August 31—Waking up with the Word