Pleasanton Church of Christ

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Here is the story of the beginnings of our church and how we became what we are today.


The church of Christ in Pleasanton began meeting in 1910 with less than 20 members.  The first assemblies were held under the old Oak Trees on the courthouse lawn. Visiting preachers and summer Gospel Meetings helped the church to grow, with services held where space was available - including the homes of members such as Texana Brite. Land was donated at the present site in 1924 by Mrs. M.E. Morris for the construction of the first building.  More land was bought during the 1940's, 50's, 60's and 1999.  The present auditorium building was constructed in 1965.  The office annex was renovated in 1986 and a new classroom wing was built in 1987. In 2008 the Children's Biblical Studies Center was built for grades cradle roll through 4th. This new wing adjoins the auditorium. In the summer of 2015 construction began on the new Fellowship Hall which was completed in January 2016.

From the small number of Christians who began meeting under Oak trees, the Pleasanton congregation has grown to approximately 250+ members.  The present work is conducted under the leadership of seven elders, with the work program headed by nine deacons.

In October of 2010 we gathered to celebrate and dedicate a Historical Marker for the Pleasanton Church of Christ, designating one hundred years of saving souls in the Pleasanton area, contributing much to the history of Pleasanton and the State of Texas.

Missionary efforts are supported here in the States, in India, New Zealand, Cambodia, Haiti, Nicaragua (Mision Para Cristo), and Romania (EEM). Other outreach efforts include Sunny Glen Children's Home, Central Texas Children's Home, and Medina/Boles Children's Home (Arms of Hope), Mt. States Children's Home,  John Clayton, Glynn Langston, Mark Forster, Jail Ministry, World Bible School, and more.



Copyright 2004 - Pleasanton Church of Christ, P.O. Box 104, Pleasanton, Texas 78064
Web Master: Stamo Andrews


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