March 1—Ladies Jail Ministry
March 2—Wolfpack – Men’s Prayer/Encourage. Breakfast, 8:30 am, f. h.
March 3—Elders Meeting, 3:30 pm, Office
March 3—LTC Bible Bowl/Quiz Practice, 4:00—5:00 pm, fellowship hall
March 3—LTC Chorus Practice, 5:00—6:00 pm, fellowship hall
March 3—Deacons Meeting, following evening worship
March 6—Alternative School
March 6—LTC Drama Practice, 5:30—6:30 pm, fellowship hall
March 6—LTC Puppet Practice, 6:00—7:00 pm, fellowship hall
March 7—Men’s Jail Ministry
March 8—Ladies Jail Ministry
March 10—Daylight Saving Time begins, turn clocks ahead the night before
March 10—Birthday Potluck, everyone, please bring food
March 10—LTC Bible Bowl/Quiz Practice, 4:00—5:00 pm, fellowship hall
March 10—LTC Chorus Practice, 5:00—6:00 pm, fellowship hall (?)
March 11—15—Public School Spring Break
March 11—Book Study Group, 7:00 pm @ Artrageous
March 13—LTC Drama Practice, 5:30—6:30 pm, fellowship hall
March 13—LTC Puppet Practice, 6:00—7:00 pm, fellowship hall
March 14—Men’s Jail Ministry
March 15—Ladies Jail Practice
March 17—LTC Bible Bowl/Quiz Practice, 4:00—5:00 pm, fellowship hall
March 17—LTC Chorus Practice, 5:00—6:00 pm, fellowship hall
March 20—Alternative School
March 20—LTC Drama Practice, 5:30—6:30 pm, fellowship hall
March 20—LTC Puppet Practice, 6:00—7:00 pm, fellowship hall
March 21—Men’s Jail Ministry
March 22—Ladies Jail Ministry
March 22—Girls’ Study, 6:00 pm, fellowship hall
March 24—Samaritan Sunday
March 27—Alternative School
March 27—LTC Drama Practice, 5:30—6:30 pm, fellowship hall
March 27—LTC Puppet Practice, 6:00—7:00 pm, fellowship hall
March 28—Men’s Jail Ministry
March 29—Ladies Jail Ministry
March 29—31—Youth Spring Refuel @ Lake Jackson church of Christ
March 31—LTC Bible Bowl/Quiz Practice, 4:00—5:00 pm, fellowship hall
March 31—LTC Chorus Practice, 5:00—6:00 pm, fellowship hall
March 31—Glynn Langston to teach/preach, AM, comb. adult class, aud.
March 31—5th Sunday Night, Small Groups (one here in auditorium